-Learn about microprocessor II
1. doing exercise about turning on LEDs(it is to turns the led connected to B1,B3,B5 and B7 on while those connected to B0,B2, B4 and B6 remain off
2. doing execise about lights up led while counting from 0 to 255. The led wiil be moved
-Assist technician Pn. Siti Fatimah to setup her microprocessor laboratory
Location;Microprocessor Laboratory
Technician;Pn.Siti Fatimah
-Learn about on general steps on how to use warp 13 and test the PIC with simple code that download
-Construct the circuit given to test the IC that download from warp 13 software
Procedures;How To Use Wap13
Location;Microprocessor Laboratory
Technician;Pn Siti Fatimah
-Learn about on microcontroller laboratory
1. provide the assembly code for running the circuit to dispaly 7 segment dispaly
Technician;Pn Siti Fatimah
-Make PIC assembly code for reads DIp switch to light approciate leds and construct the circuit on the breadboard
Objectives;To read the DIP position and then light up the binary equivalent on the leds
Examples;setting the first five DIP position high places 11111 in binary(31 in decimal) on Port A. Your progam reads this and lights up leds 0,1,2,3,4 leaving led 5,6,7 off
Apparatus;Braedboard,crystal oscillator 4Mhz,resistors 220 and10K,PIC16F84,Red led,DIP switch and warp 13 board.
Location;Microprocessor Laboratory
Technician;Pn Siti Fatimah
-Make assembly codes for exersice blink an led at a desired rate and constructs the circuit on the breadboard to test the PIC
Objective;To blink the led attached to line RB0 on port B
Location;Microprocessor Laboratory and Technician Room
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